15. The Stewards of the Club are also the Stewards of the Meeting or all race meetings held at Royal Calcutta Turf Club and three shall form a quorum.

16.(a) Should there be less than three Stewards present, the remaining Stewards shall temporarily fill the vacancy or vacancies by inviting the requisite number of persons to form a quorum and to act as Stewards of the Meeting for that meeting and any adjournment thereof.

(b) Should there not be three Stewards or their deputies the Secretary shall, without delay, see that any vacancy is filled, so that there shall be at least three persons to act as Stewards of the Meeting for that meeting and any adjournment thereof.

(c) The Chairman of the Stewards of the Club elected for the year shall be ex-officio Chairman of all meetings of the Stewards of the Meeting for that year except for locally sanctioned meetings conducted under the aegis of another racing institution as a separate entity affiliated to the Club.

(d) The Chairman of the Stewards of the Meeting shall have the right to a second or casting vote in case of an equality of votes. In the event the Chairman of the Stewards of the Meeting be not present within fifteen minutes of the time appointed for a Meeting, the other Stewards of the Meeting present shall choose from among themselves any one to be the Chairman for such Meeting and such Chairman, in the event of an equality of votes shall have the right to a second or casting vote.

(e) No Steward shall so long as he or she acts as a Steward bet on any horse.

17. The Stewards have control over, and they have free access to all stands, rooms, enclosures and other places used for the purposes of the meeting.

18. The Stewards may at their discretion exclude or eject from all places under their control :

(i) Every person who is warned off any Race Course under the control of any recognised Turf Authority.

(ii) Every person whose name has been published in the unpaid Forfeit List, until the default is cleared.

(iii) Every person who has been reported as defaulter under the Rules , until it has been officially notified that his default is cleared.

(iv) Every person who has been declared by a competent authority or by the Stewards of any recognised meeting in India or any other country to have been guilty of any corrupt or fraudulent practice on the Turf.

(v) All disqualified persons as defined in these rules.

The Stewards have power to exclude or eject at their discretion any person, from all or any places under their control, and to delegate the exercise of such power to any person or persons whomsoever.

19. The Stewards have power to regulate, control, take cognizance of, and adjudicate upon, the conduct although not occurring on the Race Course, of all Officials, and of all owners, authorised agents, nominators, trainers, jockeys, riding boys, persons attendant on horses, Bookmakers and their Assistants, and of all persons frequenting the Stand or other places used for the purpose of the meeting.

20. The Stewards have power to punish at their discretion all owners, nominators, trainers, jockeys, riding boys and persons attending on horses, with a fine not exceeding Rs. 2,00,000/- and with suspension from acting or riding at the same meeting, and to report to the Stewards of the Club, should they consider any further fine or punishment necessary. Any jockey so suspended shall not ride in any race there or elsewhere during the period of his suspension.

21. The Stewards have power to enquire into all matters and to determine all questions arising in reference to racing at the meeting, including questions relating to bets, subject to appeal to the Stewards of the Club. Should they find that any person has committed or attempted to commit or has been interested or concerned, either directly or indirectly, in any corrupt or fraudulent act in connection with racing, they may disqualify for all future engagements at that meeting, any horse or horses of which he is wholly or in part the owner, and shall submit a report of their finding and also of any finding that a person is a defaulter for bets or lotteries, with a copy of the proceedings in each case to the Stewards of the Club, who on such report and with or without further enquiry, may deal with the matter and with the person or persons concerned as they think fit. After having given a decision under this Rule, the Stewards may, if they are satisfied that fresh evidence is forthcoming, reopen any case at their discretion.

22. The Stewards have power to call for proof that a horse is neither itself disqualified in any respect, nor nominated or entered by, nor the property, wholly or in part of a disqualified person; and in default of such proof being given to their satisfaction they may declare the horse disqualified for any race or races at the meeting.

23. The Stewards have power at any time to order an examination by such person or persons as they think fit of any horse entered for a race, or which has run in a race and to make or cause to be made such test or tests as the Stewards shall deem necessary in order to determine whether any substance which is a prohibited substance has been administered to any horse which has been declared to start for or run in any race and for this purpose and for purposes of identification or observation or being photographed to take possession of and detain any such horse for such period and under such conditions as the Stewards may think proper without being liable for any damages in consequence of the exercise of such powers and to fine or disqualify any owner or other person who prevents or attempts to prevent or in any way interferes with the exercise by the Stewards of the Powers hereby conferred.

24. The Stewards have power to order down any jockey or rider engaged to ride any horse in a race without assigning any reason, and to prohibit the horse from starting in such race and to fine or disqualify the owner and/or trainer of such horse unless their directions be observed.

25. The Stewards have power if they are satisfied that the winner or any placed horse in any race at a meeting has not been permitted by his owner, trainer, rider or other person interested to do his best in any other race run at the meeting or at any other meeting to disqualify such horse for any term and/or fine, suspend or disqualify the owner, trainer and rider of the horse (or any of them) in either or both such races or levy a fine.

26. The Stewards have power to take possession on a race course or with the consent of the owner elsewhere, of any horse which has been entered for or run in any race and detain such horse for the purpose of examination, identification or observation or of being photographed, for such period as they think proper without being liable for any damage in consequence of the exercise of such powers or otherwise and to fine or disqualify any owner refusing such consent.

27. The Stewards have power to require and obtain production of all books and documents which in their opinion relate to the meeting.

28. In the event of a jockey being declared unfit to ride by the Club or being disqualified or unable to ride for any reason whatsoever after he has been declared to ride in a race, the prerogative of replacing such a jockey by another jockey shall be that of the Stewards, and the replacement to be a jockey of near equal caliber.

29. The powers of the Stewards continue after the meeting for all purposes relating to any matter connected with or arising out of that meeting. The Stewards have the power to continue with any inquiry initiated, connected or arising out of that meeting and have the power to take decision at such inquiry and to punish any person with a fine not exceeding Rs. 2,00,000/-, and should the Stewards consider that any further fine or punishment is necessary, they shall refer the matter to the Stewards of the Club for further action.

30. The Stewards have full power to make (and if necessary to vary) all such arrangements for the conduct of the meeting as they may think fit, and, under urgent necessity, they have power to abandon the meeting or to abandon any race or to postpone any races to any other day in the same or the following week.

31(a) In the event of the Stewards being satisfied that the result of a race has been materially affected due to a contingency arising they may declare any race to be null and void even after the same is run, provided however, that the weighed in or all clear signal has not been hoisted.

(b) If in the opinion of the Stewards an emergency has arisen involving risk of injury to any person or property, they may, in their absolute discretion, in exercise of the overriding power hereby conferred, declare bets with any totalisator pool or pools and also bets with bookmakers or any race or races to be null and void notwithstanding that the "Weighed-in" signal may have been given.
32. In the event of any horse being so injured on the race course that the destruction of such horse in the opinion of the Stewards or the Veterinary Officer appointed by the Stewards is advisable in order to save unnecessary suffering, such Stewards or Veterinary Officer may order such horse to be destroyed by such person as the Stewards or the Veterinary Officer consider advisable.
33. The Stewards have power to refuse to accept or cancel entries, if the general conditions under which any meeting is held include that power, with the previous sanction of the Stewards of the Club.
34. Should the Stewards authorise the abandonment of a meeting or the abandonment or postponement or advancement of any races, or vary in any way the program as originally advertised, they shall, without delay, report to the Stewards of the Club their reasons for so doing.
35. The Stewards shall arrange for the discharge of the duties of Judge, Starter and Clerk of the Scales.
36 (a) In the case of race meetings held under the aegis of the Royal Calcutta Turf Club, the Stewards of the Meeting shall, without delay, report to the Stewards of the Club giving their reasons if they authorise the abandonment of a Meeting or the abandonment or postponement of any races or vary in any way the program as originally advertised
36 (b) An appeal shall lie to the Stewards of the Club from every decision or order of the Stewards of the Meeting. The Stewards of the Club are entitled to decide appeals from the decision or orders of the Stewards of the Meeting on every matter (other than a decision or order on an objection taken by a Steward or any Stipendiary Steward or a trainer or a jockey or an owner in respect of the placing of horses in a particular race at the conclusion of such race). The appeal shall be in writing and shall be lodged with the Secretary of the meeting within 72 hours, (Club holidays and race days excepted), of the decision or order being made known. No appeal shall be entertained against any decision or order which is not permitted under the rules relating to Objections and Appeals. The procedure for appeals shall be as notified by the Stewards of the Club from time to time. An appeal may be transmitted by fax or other electronic / modern mode of communication provided the same is confirmed in writing within a period not exceeding seven days from the date of the order being made known or before the date of hearing, which ever is earlier.

36© The grounds of appeal must be submitted in writing not less than 72 hours before the date and time scheduled for the hearing of such appeal.




37. The Stewards of the Club are the Stewards for all race Meetings held on the Calcutta Course. Three Stewards of the Club shall form a quorum.

38. There must be at least three Stewards of the Club for every meeting. Should the requisite number of Stewards of the Club not be present, the remaining Steward/s of the Club shall appoint any other Member/s of the Club/Club Member to act as Stewards of the Club for the purpose of forming a quorum for that meeting and any adjournment thereof.

(a) Questions arising at meetings of the Stewards of the Club shall be decided by a majority of votes and in the event of equality of votes the Chairman of the Stewards of the Club shall have the right to a second or casting vote.

(b) In the event the Chairman of the Stewards of the Club be not present within 15 minutes of the time appointed for holding a meeting, the Stewards of the Club present shall choose any one of themselves to be Chairman of such meeting and in the event of an equality of votes, such Chairman of such a meeting shall also have the right to a second or casting vote.

(c) The Stewards of the Club shall not so long as they act as Stewards of the Club, bet on any horse running in a race governed by the Rules of Racing of the Club.

39. The Stewards of the Club shall at all times have control over and have free access to all stands, rooms, enclosures and other places used for the purposes of the meeting.

40. The Stewards of the Club may impose any fine not exceeding Rs.2,00,000/- and in the case of Bookmaking Firms un to Rs.2,00,000/- for contravention of any of these rules or for noncompliance therewith or for any misconduct or other act or omission on the part of any person for which the Stewards of the Club are empowered to exercise any of their rights of powers under these rules against such person.

41. The Stewards of the Club have power at their sole discretion to;

(a) To grant, withdraw and suspend licences to officials, trainers, jockeys, bookmakers and others and to refuse or cancel entries, and to prescribe from time to time the fees or other charges or commission payable by trainers, jockeys, bookmakers and others at the time of grant of licence to them and to cancel, without assigning any reason the registration of sale or transfer of any horse or horses.

(b) To refuse to register the name of any horse or sale or transfer of any horse or horses and to cancel without assigning any reason, the registration of any sale or transfer.

(c) To refuse to register any partnership, contingency, lease or arrangement as required under the Rules and if considered necessary to cancel without assigning any reason the registration of any such partnership, contingency, lease or arrangement. To approve any person including a limited company or a syndicate, as an owner or to permit such approved person to own horses and race them under the Rules of Racing of the Turf Club/Club with power to withdraw or revoke such approval or permission granted to any person in their absolute discretion at any time.

(d) To authorise the destruction of any horse which the Senior Veterinary Surgeon certifies in writing to be suffering from any of the diseases set out in Appendix " G " to the Rules or any other notifiable disease or from any disease that may infect or endanger other horses and in the event of such destruction no compensation shall be payable by the Turf Club/Club to the owner or other persons having an interest in the horse.

(e) To refuse to allow any person to act or continue to act as an Authorised Agent.

(f) To fix or sanction the dates on which all meetings shall be held and to alter the same.

(g) To order the advancement or cancellation or abandonment or postponement of any race or race meeting and to sanction additional dates or frame new races for any meeting and to make all such arrangements for the meeting as they may at their sole discretion think fit.

(h) To decide appeals from the decision or order of the Stewards of the Meeting on every matter (other than on an objection taken by a Steward or any Stipendiary Steward or a trainer or a jockey or an owner in respect of the placing of horses in a particular race at the conclusion of such race).

(i) To make enquiry into, finally decide and deal with all matters relating to racing (other than on an objection taken in respect of the placing of horses in any particular race taken immediately at the conclusion of such race), whether or not referred to them by the Stewards of the Meeting.

(j) To declare any person to be a disqualified person and warn any person off all courses where these rules are in force and to authorise the publication in the Racing Calendar of their decisions respecting any of the above matters and also the decisions of the Stewards of all Race Meetings held under these rules in this respect.

(k) In cases of emergency or expediency to suspend the operation of any rule or regulation for such period or periods as they shall think fit without giving previous notice but should they do so, they shall report the fact in the two subsequent issues of the Racing Calendar.

(l) To take cognizance of riotous behavior intemperance or other improper conduct although not occurring on the race course of persons holding a licence under these rules.

(m) And they may at any time remove or modify any disqualification , or remit any penalty, provided always that the Stewards of the Club shall not be entitled to exercise their powers under this sub-rule where the Board of Appeal has, after hearing a matter/issue on merits, decided to uphold or modify or enhance any punishment, fine or disqualification awarded by the Stewards of the Club.

(n) If any owner commits default in the payment of Basic Training Fees to his/her Trainer/s or payment of any dues to the Turf Club/Club or shall not observe or comply with or shall commit a breach of any Bye-Law, rule or regulation of the Turf Club/Club or shall fail to pay the amount of financial assistance or the amount of installment of such financial assistance or interest due thereon or insurance premium or Basic Training Fees or Entry Fees, or such other fees as he/she is required to pay under the Rules of Racing of the Turf Club/Club within the time fixed by the Stewards and/or Committee, the Stewards of the Turf Club/Club shall have the power to take action against such owner/s as they may in their absolute discretion think fit including putting his/her name on the Unpaid Forfeit List. Such action may include withdrawal of recognition of ownership and sale by public auction of a horse/s owned either solely or in partnership with another person/s and with the object of making payment to the trainer and/or the Club, as the case may be, his/her dues out of such sale proceeds. The owner shall be deemed to have authorised the Stewards of the Club and/or the Committee to sell his/her horse/s by Public Auction for the aforesaid purposes by reason of his/her having agreed to race his/her horses under the Rules of Racing of the Club.

42. The Stewards of the Club shall have power :-

(a) To do all things necessary to ensure that Race Meetings shall be properly and regularly conducted;

(b) To decide any matter which they are empowered to decide under the Rules of Racing of the Club;

(c) To warn any person off the Race Courses or any other premises over which the Club have jurisdiction or control and to take any lawful measures necessary to enforce their orders;

(d) To exclude or eject at their discretion any person, who is not a member of the Club, from the premises of the Club as well as from all or any places under their control and to delegate the exercise of such power to. any person or persons whomsoever

43. The Stewards of the Club, shall be entitled to consider any case referred to them by the Board of Appeal in the event the Board of Appeal is satisfied that fresh evidence is forthcoming.

44. The Stewards of the Club shall if they are satisfied that fresh evidence is forthcoming, refer the case back to the Stewards of the Meeting where applicable.

45. The Stewards of the Club may, under special circumstances, grant permission for a horse to run in the name of the trainer or some other person instead of the owner.

46(a) An appeal shall lie to the Board of Appeal from any decision or order of the Stewards of the Club. The appeal shall be in writing and shall be lodged with the Secretary of the Meeting within 72 hours, (Club holidays and Race days excepted), of the decision or order being made known. Where the appeal is transmitted by fax or other electronic/modern mode, the same must be confirmed in writing within a period not exceeding seven days from the date of order being made known or before the date of hearing, which ever is earlier. Such appeal shall be accompanied with a deposit of Rs.2500/-.No appeal shall be entertained from any decision or order on an objection and which is not permitted under the rules relating to Objections.

46 (b) The grounds of appeal must be submitted in writing not less than 72 hours before the date and time scheduled for the hearing of such appeal.

46 (c) Fines imposed by the Stewards of the Meeting/ Stewards of the Club shall become payable within the time limit stipulated by the Stewards of the Club from time to time and notified in the Racing Calendar. Punishments of suspension etc. imposed by the Stewards of the Meeting/Stewards of the Club shall become effective after the expiry of nine clear days from the date of the punishment being made known, or after such longer period as may be stipulated by the Stewards of the club. However, in cases of action taken on detection of drugs or for gross indiscipline or misconduct or in a situation of grave law and order, the punishment shall take effect immediately unless otherwise stipulated.

