Rules as to defaulters for Bets

1. A person may be reported to the Stewards of the Club as defaulter for bets by the Stewards of the Meeting at which the default occurred, or by a person who has been short paid on account of the default or to whom the money for the bet is due.

2. In reporting default, the full name, title, profession and address of the defaulter must be given. The report must be accompanied, in the case of a lottery, by a full statement of the account of the defaulter, and, in the case of a bet by full particulars of such bet and of the time and place when it was made, and in either case, by any documents bearing on the case.

3. The Stewards of the Club may, on receipt of such report, call upon the defaulter to make good his default by remitting to the Secretary of the Club, within specified time, the amount due, and his failing to do so, or to submit a satisfactory explanation of the cause of his failure or omission, may declare him to be defaulter.

4. A list of declared defaulters shall be kept by the Secretary of the Club, and a copy of this list will be forwarded to the Secretaries of the race meetings at such times as the Stewards of the Club may direct, and be published in the Racing Calender.